Tag Archive | 36


36 INCREASED INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE AND HEAD TRAUMA Harrison’s Manual of Medicine 36 INCREASED INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE AND HEAD TRAUMA Increased Intracranial Pressure Head Trauma Bibliography Increased Intracranial Pressure A limited volume of extra tissue, blood, CSF, or edema fluid can be added to the intracranial contents without raising the intracranial pressure (ICP). Clinical deterioration or death […]

36 Pain and Affective Disorders

36 Pain and Affective Disorders The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Pain Management 36 Pain and Affective Disorders Daniel M. Rockers and Scott M. Fishman Happiness is not being pained in body or troubled in mind. —Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) I. Mood disorders 1. Major depression 2. Dysthymia 3. Bipolar disorder II. Anxiety disorders 1. Generalized […]